Thriving a Recipe for Success

By Laura F. Rickards


Thriving requires acceptance of what is, not what we wish. That may mean facing some bitter realities, but living a vibrant, non-fiction life has benefits. How is that accomplished? If we say that thriving requires a recipe what would the list of ingredients read?

Thriving — A Recipe for Success

Pre-heat — Get up and face each day with the commitment to do the best that you are able.

Five Friendships — surround yourself with people who are supportive, reciprocal, non-judgmental and honest, honest enough to tell you the truth even if it isn’t what you want to hear — these are the people who support you in being your best self.

Kindness — When you look into the mirror each morning, be kind. Be thankful for the color, blemishes, wrinkles, freckles, dimples, eyebrows… you get it, bless all of it, and be grateful — there is perfection in every molecule.

Value — Value your most important commodity — YOU. There is no other like you. You are a rare, precious gem — That gem may need polishing to bring out the hidden brilliance, but a gem nonetheless.

Trust — Honor your internal place of knowing — LISTEN — Wisdom from that place never lies.

Persistence — When you want to quit, when you want to give up, when you believe that it is just too hard, take a moment and breathe deeply, or take a walk, get perspective and give it another push —When you have given your BEST effort, and extracted the learning to use in the next challenge or test — be pleased with the results.

Coulda’ — This is generally the wrong tense — NO REGRETS — You can only move forward.

Challenge and Disquiet — Yes, you have to be brave enough to step into unknown territory, to take risks, to go boldly — you will grow ¬¬— you will be surprised and amazed at what is uncovered — SHAKE IT UP!

Affirmation — Sure, you inherited some dysfunction and other stuff that can be tossed to the winds, and you inherited some gifts, embrace them both.

Responsibility — You are responsible for your ACTIONS and DECISIONS and resulting CONSEQUENCES, good, bad and ugly — End the blame game, learn the lessons and thrive

Your Way — Jersey Boy, Frank Sinatra, in My Way sang about thriving — You have to do it your way — Do what works even when it is outside that box.

My Way (Excerpts)

I’ve lived a life that’s full — Vibrancy
I saw it through without exemption — Commitment
I planned each charted course — Ownership

When I bit off more than I could chew — Risk Taking I ate it up and spit it out — Thriving

I’ve had my fill; my share of losing — Resiliency To think I did all that — Living a purposeful life

I did it my way — Your life, Your truth, Your results

Mary Oliver, in The Summer Day asks; Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Tell us, what will you do? You have one life to live — THRIVE!

Laura F. Rickards, native of Massachusetts, land where the letter “R” has lost all significance is employed at Ocean County College (OCC) as the Director of the Educational Opportunity Fund, the Center for Access and Equality and SOL, the Santander Universities, OCC and Lakewood High School Partnership. Laura also is an Adjunct Faculty member in the Social Science and Center for Academic Success areas as well as the mother of a marginally emancipated 20 something man-cub.

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